Development Bonuses


The City of Sunny Isles Beach is currently evaluating its development bonus program, which allows developers to receive additional building allowances in exchange for contributing public benefits. These benefits can include financial contributions for city improvements or direct physical enhancements to public spaces. 

Currently, there are inconsistencies between the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code that need to be addressed. A special Commission Workshop was recently held where project consultants presented their findings to the Commission and sought direction on how to move forward. City staff and the consultants are now drafting corrective amendments for the development bonus program.


Date Action 
February 28, 2025


City Commission Workshop

Workshop Presentation(PDF, 1MB)

Workshop Video
May 15, 2025


First reading of Comprehensive Plan amendment to establish the maximum levels of intensity and density in the Mixed-Use Resort future land use category. 
July 17, 2025 Second reading to adopt the Comprehensive Plan amendment (if adopted, the policies are effective after 30 days). 


If you have input on the Development Bonuses program, please contact your elected officials. If you have any questions, please contact Planning & Zoning staff at 305.792.1749 or