Census Information

The below information is data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau for Sunny Isles Beach, Florida. 



Population Number
Population Estimate July 1, 2022 21,996
Population Estimate April 1, 2020 22,342
Population Estimate April 1, 2010 20,382

Age and Sex

Category Percentage
Persons under 5 years 4.1%
Persons under 18 years 15.8%
Persons 65 years and over 26.5%
Female persons 52.3%

Race and Hispanic Origin 20,382


Race Percentage
White 71.8%
Black or African American 1.4%
American Indian and Alaska Native 0.0%
Asian 2.3%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 0.0%
Two or More Races/td> 22.7%
Hispanic or Latino 47.5%
White alone, not Hispanic or Latino 47%

Income and Poverty

Income Total
Median Household Income (in 2022 dollars) $57,145
Per Capita Income in past 12 months (in 2022 dollars) $50,911
Persons in poverty, percent 13.6%