City Manager's Highlights

It is my privilege to spotlight noteworthy achievements by our city departments and dedicated staff, who work diligently behind the scenes. Their contributions are pivotal to the success of our organization and instrumental in providing services to our residents, businesses and visitors. Here is an overview of our ongoing efforts aimed at accomplishing numerous goals and serving Sunny Isles Beach.

2024 Highlights

Sunny Isles Beach Police Department Promotions

August 22, 2024                                   Police Department Promotions
I am proud to announce several significant promotions within the Sunny Isles Beach Police Department.


Luke Plesa has been sworn in as our new Assistant Chief of Police, recognizing his 18 years of exemplary service and leadership.


Melissa Porro has been elevated to the rank of Lieutenant, marking a historic achievement as the department’s first female Lieutenant promoted from within.


Bill Howell’s promotion to Lieutenant acknowledges his foundational contributions and unwavering dedication since the department’s inception.


Javier Estevez has been promoted to Lieutenant, reflecting his exceptional leadership and innovative approach.


Lastly, Sergeant Gino Alfonso’s promotion to Sergeant highlights his outstanding professionalism and commitment.


These promotions represent our continued commitment to excellence and recognize the exceptional contributions of these individuals. Please join me in congratulating them on their well-deserved advancements.


First Female Police Lieutenant Promoted from Within

August 7, 2024 Meet Melissa Porro Police Lieutenant
I am happy to announce our first female police lieutenant promoted from within the Sunny Isles Beach Police Department, Lieutenant Melissa Porro.
Lieutenant Porro began her career as the agency's first female police recruit and has shown unwavering dedication and commitment to our Sunny Isles Beach community. This promotion also makes her the first female command staff member under Chief Eddie Santiago.
Congratulations to Lt. Porro on this well-deserved achievement.


Global Technology Outage

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July 19, 2024


A global technology outage overnight not only affected flights, banks, hospitals, and media outlets, but also many cities, including ours. Once we found out about the massive disruption, our IT team sprang into action, arriving at Government Center in the early morning hours to get all servers and computers in the City back up and running just in time for the start of the City’s operational hours.


I want to commend our Chief Information Officer Derrick Arias, Assistant CIO Humberto Martinez, and the rest of the IT Department for their diligence and dedication in resolving this issue swiftly and efficiently. Thank you for your hard work and commitment to keeping our City running smoothly.


Committed to the well-being of even our smallest residents

Hand holding a baby sea turtle

July 5, 2024

The City of Sunny Isles Beach is committed to the well-being of even our smallest residents. 
On Wednesday night, three baby sea turtles had crawled into a condo parking lot. Florida Fish and Wildlife was immediately contacted, who then requested assistance from our PD. Our officer transported the turtles to the Miami Beach Police Station, where they will be held for the Sea Turtle Conservation Program until they can be safely reintroduced to the wild.
Thank you to our Sunny Isles Beach Police Department for their swift response and dedication to ensuring the safe transport of these hatchlings.


American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) South Florida Chapter Annual Awards

June 10, 2024Group of people smiling and posing

I am honored to share that our city had the privilege of hosting and co-sponsoring the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) South Florida Chapter Annual Awards Luncheon this past weekend. Public administrators from across the region gathered at Gateway Center for a day of networking and recognition.
I am particularly proud that our very own Mayra Aleman was celebrated as the Rising Star of the Year. Her dedication to our residents and commitment to our community make her truly deserving of this honor.
Join me in congratulating Mayra on her achievement.


2024 South Florida Police Benevolent Association Arthur E. Felton Investigative Excellence Award

Group of law enforcement officers smiling and posing

June 3, 2024

I am proud to announce that Sunny Isles Beach Police Detective Sergeant M.M, a distinguished DEA Task Force Officer, has been awarded the 2024 South Florida Police Benevolent Association Arthur E. Felton Investigative Excellence Award for his exceptional work in Operation Final Voyage, which dismantled a major cocaine trafficking network to Miami from the Dominican Republic.


Sergeant M.M's efforts led to over 50 federal indictments and five extraditions, including the apprehension of two consolidated priority targets and one regional priority target who was a sitting Congressman in the Dominican Republic.


The operation also achieved substantial financial recoveries, forfeiture money judgements exceeding $20 million, recovery of over 20 firearms, and the seizure of over 4,000 kilograms of cocaine.


We commend Sergeant M.M's dedication and skilled investigative work in making our community and all of South Florida safer.


Autism Awareness Month

April 16, 2024autism awareness month - sticker on door

As April marks Autism Awareness Month, we would like to extend our gratitude to Teresa Becerra and her son Robert, who provided invaluable autism-response training for our Sunny Isles Beach Police Department and Ocean Rescue Division. In recognition of her contribution, Teresa will be honored with the Police Chief’s Special Recognition Award at this week’s Commission Workshop.

Our Police Department’s Autism Outreach program was implemented to foster a more inclusive and supportive environment. This program allows officers to better serve those in our community with loved ones who live with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This voluntary initiative provides a special sticker to display on vehicles or homes, enabling officers to promptly recognize and appropriately respond to situations involving individuals with ASD.

Together, we are fostering a community where everyone feels understood, respected, and safe. Thank you, Teresa and Robert, for your advocacy.


Scooter Lane on Sidewalk

February 16, 2024Scooter Lane on sidewalk

I am pleased to share the latest improvement in our community. As part of our ongoing commitment to prioritize pedestrian safety, we have implemented a dedicated scooter lane striping along our North Bay Road sidewalk.

This aims to create a clear, defined separation between scooters and pedestrians. Your safety remains our top priority, and we appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these designated lanes. 

First for City of Sunny Isles Beach

January 17, 2024420444466_697006715933979_6686331606445076065_n.jpg

We are always working to bring you the best, most innovative service possible. I am proud to share some “firsts” for the City of Sunny Isles Beach:

  • FIRST SIBPD ACCREDITATION – Our Police Department attained accreditation from the Florida Commission for Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA), a high honor ensuring our staff stay current with the latest law enforcement trends.

  • FIRST SIBPD FEMALE MOTOR OFFICER – We also proudly welcomed the first female motor officer in our PD’s history. Officer Roxana Martinez completed motor-school training with the Miami-Dade Police Department, making her part of a small group of elite women who have successfully passed this course and can now hold the title of Police Motor Officer.

  • FIRST CREDENTIALED CITY MANAGER – I am thankful to announce that I recently received the Credentialed Manager designation from the International City/County Management Association (ICMA). This program recognizes local government managers who through their education and experience, and adherence to high standards of integrity, are deserving of this credential. We look forward to continued successes in 2024, finding ways to enhance and contribute to the betterment of our Sunny Isles Beach community and residents.


Employee Awards

January 24, 2024Employee of the year holding award at Commission Meeting

At our January Commission Meeting we recognized a few outstanding employees with our annual awards:

  • Congratulations to Mayra Aleman for earning the 2023 City Manager’s Award
  • Officer Maximo Fanjul was recognized as Officer of the Year
  • Officer Roxana Martinez was recognized as our first female motor officer

I take pride in being a member of this dedicated team and am grateful for their commitment to serving our Sunny Isles Beach community.



2023 Highlights

Miami-Dade County Betterbus Initiative

November 9, 2023 400003364_659612303006754_8886685406044101827_n.jpg

Today our residents had a unique opportunity to meet one-on-one with staff from Miami-Dade Transit. This special event was a collaboration between the City and Miami-Dade County to give residents a better understanding of the upcoming Miami-Dade County Metrobus route changes beginning November 13. Residents had the opportunity to speak to county and city staff and have their questions answered. 


Sidewalks, IT Certifications and Autism Training

November 1, 2023 402098208_663545399280111_9153105195753916649_n.jpg

  • Our Public Works team has completed a sidewalk widening on Collins Avenue, between 172nd and 174th Street. This safety improvement will allow more accessibility for pedestrians.
  • I would like to share a recent achievement by our IT Department. IT Analyst Nahid Nizami successfully completed the Certified Ethical Hacker Training – a training to uncover vulnerabilities in security systems, networks, and applications. This certification is important in safeguarding our city’s cyber security and networking infrastructure.
  • Our newly accredited Police Department completed autism training. Police & Communications officers, along with Ocean Rescue lifeguards attended “Autism: First Responder Training.” Our first responders attended this training on a regular basis to ensure they are well-equipped to serve and protect our community.


Speed Readers

October 3, 2024 Thumb 01.jpg

Speed readers were implemented along Collins Avenue to help alert drivers to slow down and exercise heightened caution. This will play a crucial role in fostering a secure and pedestrian-friendly environment.

Police Department Accreditation

October 10, 2023 420444893_697006725933978_3766072041612971841_n.jpg

I am proud of our Sunny Isles Beach Police Department for reaching accredited status by the Florida Commission for Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA). This significant recognition marks a pivotal moment for our community.

The accreditation process involved a thorough evaluation of every facet of SIBPD’s operations. This encompassed policies, procedures, training, and overall practices. I am pleased to report that the assessment revealed complete compliance with all relevant standards, with absolutely no non-compliance issues detected.

This accomplishment not only reflects the dedication and professionalism of our remarkable police force but also assures our residents that they are served by a department committed to the highest standards of law enforcement.

Thank you to Chief Eddie Santiago and every member of the SIBPD team. Together, we continue to strive for excellence in service and safety.


Hiperwall, Budget & Fiber Optic Network

September 3, 2023 Untitled.png    

  • A new Hiperwall was recently added to our Police Department. This will be the brain of PD’s technology, integrating systems such as our License Plate Readers (LPRs) and CCTV cameras into one interface. The investment is already paying dividends – on the first day of installation the Communications team directed officers to intercept a stolen vehicle and a vehicle with a stolen tag, resulting in two separate felony arrests.
  • After months of collaboration between the City Commission, Administration and our residents, we adopted the Budget and Five-Year Capital Improvement Program for fiscal year 2023-2024. For an unprecedented 11th year, our city has lowered the millage rate, reducing it from 2.0 to 1.9 mills per $1,000 of assessed value.
  • Our Information Technology Department is nearing completion of a fiber optic network project that will interconnect every city facility and park using 26,500 feet of fiber. The fiber has been installed and IT has moved onto the next phase of network architecture and implementation.