Happy Thanksgiving

Published on November 05, 2021


By Alex Lama, Commissioner

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It is an ideal time to spend with family and friends, to relax, share some laughs and indulge in lots of food, especially my favorite dessert, pumpkin pie. It is a day to be grateful for what we have and for the good fortune that has been presented to those of us living in this country. By living in the USA alone, we are spared much of the misfortune and conflict that is all too common in many other countries.

Thanksgiving is also a time to reflect and assess what is truly important in life and make sure these are prioritized. An important lesson I draw from the Thanksgiving tradition is that of cooperation and helping each other in time of need. As the Thanksgiving story goes, the Native Americans witnessed the plight of the Pilgrims in Plymouth and decided to share their food and come together in celebration.

It is important we help each other, especially in trying times. Some of the simplest ways to help in our society is to be kind, treat each other with dignity and be respectful of differing points of view.

While it is important to be grateful for the blessings and the opportunities we are afforded, it is equally important to be mindful and be kind to each other. Research shows that a warm smile, a quick hello and a polite disposition can have a positive effect not only on the well-being of the person to whom you direct it at, but also on your own well-being. Wishing you and your loved ones a healthy and Happy Thanksgiving.

Contact Commissioner Alex Lama at seat2@sibfl.net or 305.792.1752.