Addressing Our Residentially Displaced Population

Published on April 08, 2022


By Jerry Joseph, Commissioner

This past month, it was my pleasure to do a ride a long with Detective Sasee Morales to understand the issues that face the residentially displaced within Sunny Isles Beach. I understand the concerns raised by our residents so I wanted to see what we could do.

Sunny Isles Beach is not alone amongst cities across the country finding it necessary to address this issue more holistically. Unlike some of our neighboring communities, the City of Sunny Isles Beach has a dedicated police detective assigned specifically to this issue. Detective Morales regularly patrols the entire city and makes frequent contact with every residentially displaced person. While she learns of their backgrounds and offers them assistance, very few accept that assistance. She continues to do what she can within the confines of the law, which places limitations on what she can do.

One example of Detective Morales’ work is when she helped a young man who was kicked out of his home and was living on our streets due to drug addiction. For months he refused treatment when offered. However, one day he accepted and broke down in tears thanking Morales for not giving up on him. He is now reunited with his family and has a job. This is just one of many stories that illustrate the proactive measures our department takes to improve everyone’s situation.

I believe we could do even more and am supporting the changes needed to assist Detective Morales in her efforts. I will continue to advocate to increase this division to make our community safer for all.

Contact Commissioner Jerry Joseph at or call 305.792.1754.