Changing for the Better

Published on December 07, 2022


By Jerry Joseph, Commissioner

What is happening to our City of Sunny Isles Beach? Since the last election, I have seen wonderful changes around our city that should be evident to most residents. Our new Police Chief, Eddie Santiago, has worked diligently to increase our police force to levels never achieved before. He has moved our department toward full accreditation, which was never considered important to past administrations. We finally have ongoing traffic enforcement and Sunny Isles Beach is becoming respected as a strict enforcement city to drive through, finally!!

I am proud to say that we are mitigating our street flooding, especially in Golden Shores, and will be adding several new sewers at 18520 North Bay Road and 300 189th Terrace. I am watching and listening to residents for other problem areas to be corrected. We are near completion of the Middle Island New Pump Station design and that will mitigate the flooding problems at North Bay Road and 177th Street and up. Other administrations chose to “kick the can down the road,” but these situations are now being dealt with “HEAD ON” with no delays.

Sunny Isles Beach will finally have its first public tennis and pickleball courts within the next 8-10 months should the administration continue. I cannot understand why in all prior administrations there was never the desire to have even one public adult sport facility.

Things are certainly changing for the better in Sunny Isles Beach. Hopefully after this election on December 6, 2022, we will be able to proceed on course.

Contact Commissioner Jerry Joseph at or 305.792.1754.