Leading by Example

Published on March 04, 2022


By Alex Lama, Commissioner

Elected officials are public servants chosen by residents to serve the community and make their lives better. Voters have entrusted these elected officials with the honor and privilege to carry out their duties in the most efficient, diligent and professional manner.

As stewards of the community, public servants must always be rational, well-informed, and responsive to the needs of the community. They must also be assertive and willing to stand up to any abuse of power and fight for what is right and conforming with their values and principles. Contentious issues and decisions are the norm and should be handled with the necessary dose of assertiveness and rationality. However, no matter how muddled an issue becomes, it is always easier and more beneficial to find a solution with a professional and factual approach. By being disrespectful, irrational and promoting disinformation, it becomes harder to attain solutions and effect positive change.

Elected officials, candidates for public office and their supporters have the responsibility to show professionalism and respect to their community. Otherwise, disrespectful behaviors and actions solely based on political gain become detrimental to the residents and themselves.

Leaders need to remind themselves that people, and especially our children, are watching and it is wise to set a good example. This is essential to keeping residents involved in community affairs and to ensuring that our democratic process inspires qualified, well-intentioned and independent thinkers to run for public office.

Contact Commissioner Alex Lama at seat2@sibfl.net or 305.792.1752.