Message from the City Manager – November 2023

Published on November 03, 2023


November is a time of thanksgiving. There is the traditional thanksgiving holiday and then there is the act of giving thanks. I would like to focus on the act of giving thanks and take this opportunity to ensure that all of those that have spent this past year contributing to our success know that they are appreciated. It is impossible to name everyone, so my message is somewhat generic.

This year was a year of change and adjustment. We completed our charter review and subsequent election. We passed the most detailed budget and reduced the millage rate. We hosted a memorable city anniversary party. We filled every vacant position in the Police Department. We made significant pedestrian safety improvements. We capitalized on our investments. We won multiple awards in various departments. We were successful in grant funding.

There are so many things that our employees do behind the scenes and on the front lines that contribute to the success of this city. And they do it for you. Those in public service are rare and special. They are not looking for fortune and fame but for the satisfaction of a job well done, knowing that they made a difference. Each department plays a role in the overall success of the city. From inside and out, bottom to top, we could not do this without you.

Our City Commission deserves a special note of appreciation as well. Their dedication to formulating policies, advocating for our residents, and fostering transparency and accountability has been most valuable.

And let us not forget our residents. We thank you for your participation in meetings and events. We thank you for your constructive criticisms and positive feedback. You are why we do what we do, and we appreciate that you care about your community as much as we do.

This month let’s all take a moment to say thank you to those that you encounter in your daily lives. Let us spread kindness and appreciation. Let us all be grateful for the beautiful city that we get to live, work, play and thrive in.

To my entire Sunny Isles Beach family, City Commission, and residents, thank you all.

Contact City Manager Stan Morris at or 305.792.1701.