Exciting Announcements for NSE/SIB K-8 School

Published on August 17, 2023


By Larisa Svechin, Mayor

School at Norman S. Edelcup Sunny Isles Beach K-8 starts today and with that comes many exciting announcements. To start, I would like to welcome our new principal, Mr. Marc W. Schwam, to the City of Sunny Isles Beach. I got the opportunity to sit with Mr. Schwam to learn about his lovely children and wife. He is a lifelong educator, who is passionate about providing an inclusive and supportive environment for our resident’s children. I am confident that with his leadership, our schoolchildren will thrive, our school will be safe, and our parents will be proud to send their children to NSE SIB K-8.

To support these efforts, SIBPD will be supporting the school’s police, by bringing back our beloved Sergeant Gonzalez as a full-time school resource officer. Sgt. Gonzalez first started at the school as the founding SRO, and has deep and meaningful relationships with the teachers, staff, students, and parents. I have known Sgt. Gonzalez for over 12 years—she is fiercely devoted to the safety and well-being of our youngest residents. The expectation is that with these changes, our school will once again lead the district in student scores, athletics, mathematics, science, and the arts. I am confident that Mr. Schwam will be a valued collaborator and innovator, adding to the richness of the fabric of our community.

Lastly, I want to acknowledge the years of dedication of our founding Assistant Principal, Ms. Tapia, who regrettably is moving on to another school. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Ms. Tapia and seeing her unwavering commitment to our community. She has been an integral part of SIB, instrumental in helping to bring the highest standards of education, a loving mentor to the teachers, a warm and inviting presence for our parents, and a true friend to many. With the deepest respect, may she be successful and happy in her next position. We will miss her terribly. Please join me in a warm and hospitable welcome to Mr. Schwam, welcome back to Sgt. Gonzalez, and best wishes to Ms. Tapia.