Commissioner Jeniffer Viscarra Honored with 2024 Home Rule Hero Award

Published on March 19, 2024

Commissioner Viscarra holding Home Rule Hero Award

The Florida League of Cities (FLC), the united voice for Florida’s municipal governments, recently recognized City of Sunny Isles Beach Commissioner Jeniffer Viscarra with a 2024 Home Rule Hero Award for her hard work and advocacy efforts during the 2024 Legislative Session. Viscarra worked tirelessly throughout session to promote local voices making local choices, protect the Home Rule powers of Florida’s municipalities and advance the League’s legislative agenda.

“The dedication and effort of these local officials who tirelessly advocated for local decision-making was a difference-maker this legislative session,” said FLC Chief of Legislative Affairs Casey Cook. “On behalf of the League and its legislative team, we’re proud to recognize each of them and thank them for their service.”

Home Rule is the ability for a city to address local problems with local solutions with minimal state interference. Home Rule Hero Award recipients are local government officials, both elected and nonelected, who consistently responded to the League’s request to reach out to members of the Legislature and help give a local perspective on an issue.

Commissioner Viscarra has been deeply involved with the City of Sunny Isles Beach, serving as Chair of the City Advisory Committee in 2014 until her election as Commissioner in 2018. She is also known for her commitment in engaging and educating residents through initiatives like the Residents’ Academy and the Community Legislative Advocacy Program (CLAP).

During her time in office, Commissioner Viscarra created and curated her own community newsletter, SIB AJENDA, a purposeful misspelling of “agenda” as a nod to the author. In this publication, she shares objective insight on local and statewide issues, encouraging constituents to take action by writing to their state legislators with provided contacts and sample letters.

In recognition of her dedication to advocating and educating the public on home rule issues, Commissioner Viscarra has been honored with the 2024 Home Rule Hero Award, a testament to her commitment as a Commissioner, resident, and voter in the State of Florida.