Polystyrene Ban

Lying part of a box with scattered pressed polystyrene

Polystyrene is all around us. Used to make Styrofoam, polystyrene can be found in cups, bowls, plates, trays, meat trays, egg cartons and other single-use packaging. Though ubiquitous, polystyrene is non-recyclable, non-biodegradable and poses a threat to waterways, wildlife, and the public drainage system.

Recognizing that polystyrene is harmful to the environment, the City Commission is taking action to limit it wherever possible within their purview. This resulted in a ban on the use or carrying of expanded polystyrene food articles, such as bags, containers, bowls, plates, lids, coolers, trays, cartons, cups, straws, and lids containing expanded polystyrene on City property or facilities, including our beach, parks, or Government Center, for all individuals.